EECS 370 exam 1 stuff to study ============================== by Evan Hahn and Scott Godbold - floating point conversion 0. convert to binary & normalize 1. signed bit: first bit (positive or negative) 2. exponent: next 8 bits (127 + shift amount) 3. mantissa: remaining 23 bits (remaing values to the right of the decimal) - hex conversion - every 4 bits = one hex digit (0-F) - denoted 0x - size of things * int = 4 bytes * short = 2 bytes * long = 8 bytes * char = 1 byte * Important notes: - item must start on a evenly divisible adress (i.e. int must start on an address divisible by 4) - structs must start on a multiple of their largest element (which includes containing structs) - callee/caller registers - static, stack, heap, text, symbol - text: code - static: globals and statics - stack: small variables, parameters to subroutines, local variables - heap: big variables, not in the stack - symbols: type, scope level, sometimes pointer to location ************ This is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Please give credit to Evan Hahn.