The difference between "=" and "IS" in SQLite

, updated (originally posted )

In short: SQLite’s = (also written ==) and IS operators are very similar, but behave differently around NULL. In my opinion, IS is easier to understand.

SQLite has two equality operators: = and IS (= can also be written as ==). They’re very similar, except when NULL is involved.

From SQLite’s docs:

The IS and IS NOT operators work like = and != except when one or both of the operands are NULL. In this case, if both operands are NULL, then the IS operator evaluates to 1 (true) and the IS NOT operator evaluates to 0 (false). If one operand is NULL and the other is not, then the IS operator evaluates to 0 (false) and the IS NOT operator is 1 (true). It is not possible for an IS or IS NOT expression to evaluate to NULL.

Let’s see some examples.

They behave the same when neither value is NULL:

SELECT 1 IS 1;  -- 1
SELECT 1 = 1;   -- 1

SELECT 1 IS 2;  -- 0
SELECT 1 = 2;   -- 0

However, when NULL is involved, = will always return NULL, not 0 or 1. IS will continue to return 0 or 1.

SELECT 1 IS NULL;     -- 0
SELECT 1 = NULL;      -- NULL

SELECT NULL IS 1;     -- 0
SELECT NULL = 1;      -- NULL


For a more realistic example, let’s say we have a table, people, like this:


Let’s say we want to find all the people who don’t have a favorite color.

IS behaves as you might expect, returning “Jo”:

SELECT person FROM people WHERE favorite_color IS NULL;
-- Jo

However, because = returns NULL when NULL is in the expression, no rows are returned!

SELECT person FROM people WHERE favorite_color = NULL;
-- No results!

!= also behaves differently from IS NOT. For example, IS NOT might behave as you expect:

SELECT person FROM people WHERE favorite_color IS NOT 'red';
-- Jo
-- Mira

!= probably does not, because it completely skips NULL results:

SELECT person FROM people WHERE favorite_color != 'red';
-- Mira

I think IS is easier to understand than =, so I’d recommend using it if you’re not sure which to use.

Hope this helps!

Thanks to my colleagues Max and Scott for their help with this post!